"Master Code Programming Competition 2022/23: Envisage the Climate Blueprint with AI" Award Ceremony has been completed! 「Master Code編程大賽2022/23:AI創想氣候藍圖」頒獎典禮賽果公布及傳媒報導

“Master Code Programming Competition 2022/23: Envisage the Climate Blueprint with AI” Award Ceremony has been completed! Congratulations to all awardees from primary and secondary school students who showcased their creativity and innovation ideas in using AI tools to uplift our living environment. Your efforts contribute to the betterment of the society and demonstrate your care for the environment.


Winner Lis: https://www.edcity.hk/coding/en/winners

Media Coverage:

Master Code編程大賽2022/23:AI創想氣候藍圖」 助中小學生發揮創意 – Capital
「Master Code編程大賽2022/23:AI創想氣候藍圖」 助中小學生發揮創意 – Sina HK
教育城編程賽小學生虛擬智慧城市救生態 中學生AI助預測氣象獲獎 – HK01
AI 編程應對極端氣候 聖安多尼學校小學組奪冠 – Ming Pao JUMP
高小生建虛擬智慧城市 編程賽奪冠 – Sing Tao Daily
AI 編程應對極端氣候 聖安多尼學校小學組奪冠 – Ming Pao
高小生建虛擬智慧城市 編程賽奪冠 – Sing Tao Daily